Sunday 31 March 2013

The Choice Is Yours...

On "Good Friday" 2013 years ago, it wasn't just Jesus, the Son of God at Calvary. There were two other criminals with Him being crucified as well. Although these two men were being crucified for a just reason, the same crime, and they probably knew each other; their reactions to Jesus were very different.

The first thief was bitter and angry. Like many people in the world today he mocked Jesus, even when He could see Him taking his sins upon Him - Luke 23:49. He was presented with a final opportunity with all the proof that he could have wanted to get saved but yet he neglected this great salvation.

The other thief was totally different. As the hymn writer said:
"The dying thief
Rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day..."
The second thief saw the love pouring out of The Lord Jesus. He recognised the reason for the blood and suffering that was endured on that day. Not only did he see and understand...most importantly, he acted. That day, even after a life of sin, while hanging on a cross to die, he accepted Jesus as his Saviour and entered the Kingdom of God  - Luke 23:40-41.

It seems to me that everyone in the world today is faced with the choice of the two dying thieves. We are faced with the image of The Lord Jesus taking our sins upon Himself at Calvary and shedding His blood for us. The question we are faced with at this Easter time is: "What will you do with Christ?"

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