Saturday 15 December 2012

Reason for the Season

Yeah, it's that time of the year again. It'll soon be Christmas Day when we all run downstairs at ridiculous times of the morning, open our presents, spend time with our families and best of all, stuff our faces full of food! Sound like a fairly typical Christmas? Well there's something pretty BIG missing.

What's the actual reason for Christmas? Can it really be all about the presents? Or the food? Or seeing the family? Quite simply the answer is NO. All these things are great but there is a more important 'reason for the season'.

The real reason for Christmas is that a baby was born in a stable in Bethlehem around 2000 years ago. Sound like nothing overly important? Sure there's a baby born every minute? What if I told you this baby was more important than Cristiano Ronaldo? More important than One Direction? (Yes, Directioners there is something more important than them five lads) More important than Simon Cowell, Sir Alex Ferguson or Nelson Mandela? This baby was even more important than David Cameron and The Queen put together! This baby was the Son of God; Jesus, Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, Mighty God - Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 1:23.

Not only was the Son of God born at Christmas time, but see those presents you're getting this year? That new Xbox, the latest iPhone, make up perfume etc. Guess what? They're found in the Christmas story too. Obviously there were no phones or Xbox's 2000 years ago; but three wise men came to visit Jesus, bringing precious presents for Him. With them, they brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh - Matthew 2:11. These gifts were brought to show how special Jesus was; back in the day these gifts would have been top of the market.

So hopefully you now know how important baby Jesus was. But why was He born? Well, right through the Old Testament we are told that Jesus would be born in the City of David (Bethlehem). We are also told that Jesus would be a descendant of King David, you know the kid who killed the giant with the stone and grew up to be one of the greatest kings ever? Well both of these things were fulfilled in Matthew 1:1-16. So Jesus was born to prove the Bible right, or to fulfill prophecy.

That's not the main reason Jesus was born though. The reason for His birth is best summed up in the words of the Christmas Carol below:
"Mild He lays His glory by,
 Born that man no more may die!
 Born to raise the sons of earth!
 Born to give them second birth!"

There it is in four lines. Jesus was born to give everyone on earth new life. He was born that we could have eternal life. He left heaven to come to earth. He was born in a stable with farm anaimals. He was hated by many throughout His life. He was falsely accused. He was beaten. He was spat on. He was nailed to a cross. And after hours of suffering, He died for YOU. If that's not real love then what is?

So this Christmas, don't just get caught up in the festivities and excitement. Of course enjoy the holidays, but at the same time, remember the real reason for the season.

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